The Blockchain Bundesverband held its Second Bundesblock Governance Workshop. With particular focus on our Landesgruppen (local chapters), we made progress with membership structures, working groups, onboarding processes and more.
On June 25, Bundesblock members met in Berlin for our 2nd Bundesblock Governance Workshop. This session focused on Bundesblock’s local chapters, “Landesgruppen” (LG), which play a key role for us in building our community bottom-up, advancing our ecosystem through collaborative action and expanding our public reach.
Representatives from LG Baden-Württemberg, LG Bayern, LG Hessen, LG NRW, LG Berlin as well as from two soon-to-be-established chapters in Niedersachen, Hamburg, Sachsen and Joachim Lohkamp on behalf of the board attended the workshop. Once again, thanks to you all for taking the time to travel to Berlin and contributing your valuable perspectives.

From left to right: Hüseyin Yildiz, LG Hessen; Theo Beutel, Bundesblock; Joachim Lohkamp, Bundesblock; Eric Holst, LG NRW; Katharina Gehra, LG Bayern; Tobias Hempfing, Sachsen i.G.; Jakob Köhler, Hamburg i.G.; Karsten Treiber, LG Baden Württemberg. Not pictured: Silvan Jongerius, BerChain e.V./Berlin; Clemens Pompeÿ, BerChain e.V./Berlin; Benedikt Hüppe, Niedersachsen i.G.
We put our heads together and learned about the motivation and regional activities of each Landesgruppe, realising how much is already happening and how much more potential there is once we allow the Landesgruppen system to scale all over Germany.
A variety of topics were covered, with the following receiving the most attention (in more detail here):
– The relation between federal Bundesblock and local Bundesblock groups in general
– The current structure and legal status of Landesgruppen
– Membership structures in federal and local structures
– The onboarding process and how federal and local structures can support another
– Community building and Bundesblock’s outward communication
Key issues included communication channels, especially the use of Slack, a shared access to Twitter, and a systematic approach to press releases. We also covered the upcoming extension of the board to “at least three people” which will increase Bundesblock’s bandwidth substantially (5 – 6 board members). Moreover, we discussed the role of Bundesblock in organising events, concluding that co-hosting should be the default option.
As next steps, we defined work packages to map out in more detail
…what are the best options for Bundesblock to formalise memberships on a federal and/or local level
…how the Bundesblock website can provide newcomers with an optimal onboarding experience to blockchain technology and to Bundesblock’s activities in particular
…how a regular Landesgruppen call can help to close the lack of communication
Looking ahead, we will be more present outside Berlin and host rotating events with our Landesgruppen. Our next major meeting will be the annual gathering (Jahresversammlung) in September. An official invite and an agenda will be sent out to all members in early July.